Log in as a role using AWS CLI (with MFA!)

Published on May 18, 2020 By Xander Verheij — Infrastructure as code

At ihomer we have project for multiple clients. Each client has there own organization under our main ihomer AWS account. The initial approach to accessing these subaccounts was using a IAM account on each subaccount. But thanks to my collegue Joep Joosten we now have a better solution! Using the aws-mfa zsh plugin we can use our (ofcource mfa secured) main account credentials to hop to the subaccount.

Follow the next steps to make the magic happen!


Install zsh plugin

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/joepjoosten/aws-cli-mfa-oh-my-zsh.git “$ZSH/custom/plugins/aws-mfa”

Enable the aws-mfa plugin in your .zshrc


Configure AWS CLI

Make sure to add the credentials for your main account to your ~/.aws/credentials:

aws_access_key_id = {access_key_id}
aws_secret_access_key = {secret_access_key}

Update your ~/.aws/config with the following for the [main-account]:

[profile {main_account}]
output = json
region = eu-central-1

Add the following to your ~/.aws/config for every organization/role combo you want to use for your terraform execution:

[profile {sub_account}]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::{organisation_id}:role/{role_name}
source_profile = {main_account}
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::{main_account_id}:mfa/{user_name}
region = {region}

Login using aws-mfa

When you have configured everything you can call the following command, it will ask for your MFA code. Or you can optional provide your MFA code directly

aws-mfa {sub_account}
aws-mfa {sub_account} {mfa_code}

Practical example (terraform)

Now we can for example use this to run terraform by removing the specific profile/credentials from the terraform script.

Alter terraform scripts

Normally you might have defined a profile to be used in your terraform scripts. Using this method the profile used will be the one you logged in to using aws-mfa.

provider "aws" {
  version = "~> 2.0"
  region = "eu-central-1"
  profile = "sub_acount" REMOVE_ME

Run terraform as usual

When you have altered the terraform scripts and called the aws-mfa script you should be able to use terraform as usual.

terraform plan