PDFtk magic with Docker

Published on May 18, 2020 By Xander Verheij — Random

PDFtk is a tool to do magic with pdf’s, some common use cases are the following:

  • multiple pdf’s to one file

  • one pdf to multiple files

  • split odd and even pages

Till not to long ago pdftk could be easily installed with for example brew on a Mac.

Unfortunatly now a days this is nearly impossible. But do not fair, docker is here!


docker run -v ${PWD}:/work agileek/pdftk work/pdf1.pdf ....

we can use pdftk from the docker container, however this does mean that we miss some handy bash features as auto-completion. Making it a lot more tedious to get the correct commands.

This can be solved by adding the following to your .bashrc / .zshrc / .[insert shell]rc

After you added this (you might need to restart your shell) you can use pdftk as you where used to including all the auto-completion goodness.

function pdftk() {  docker run -w /work -v ${PWD}:/work agileek/pdftk "$@" }